


1. There were           (thousand) of people at the concert.

2. By the end of this month people in Beijing will be able to brush their _____           (tooth) with water from Hubei.

3. We have already learned many           (interest) ways to relax.

4. These magazines are          (me) not yours.

5. It ’s            (polite) to stare at anyone or to talk loudly in public.

6. Glass didn’t become           (wide) used until the 13 th century.

7. The larger library you have in your head the           (long)it usually takes to find a particular( 特定的 )word.

8. After class children went out of their classroom to enjoy the          (warm) of the sun.


1. thousands  2. teeth  3. interesting  4.mine 

5.impolite   6. widely  7.longer    8.warmth
